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Medical Retina

Hypertension, Diabetes - We will protect your eyes from them

  • 15 min
  • 300 Indian rupees
  • Location 1

Service Description

Retina is the light sensitive back layer of the eye. Similar to a film in a camera (or a CCD chip for the digital enthusiasts) Multiple diseases can lead to damage to the retina - most common amongst them being Hypertension(BP) and Diabetes(Sugar). At Parshwa Netralaya, each and every patient undergoes a retinal evaluation as a part of all workups. Special attention is paid to those patients who have long standing high risk factors. We offer - 1. 90 D stereoscopic biomicroscopy to evaluate the macula - central part of retina 2. Indirect ophthalmoscopy to check the outer part of the retina 3. Macular and peripheral OCT for early diagnosis and computerised monitoring of retinal status 4. Intravitreal injections of drugs like Avastin (Bevacizumab), Lucentis (Ranibizumab) and Triamcinolone acetonide to deal with few retinal diseases.

Contact Details

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